When it comes to fashion, I choose comfort over everything. Lose-fitted clothes are definitely in, and that’s why I’m glad I found these beautiful striped fitted shorts. In these, I was able to explore the beautiful and vibrant downtown Denver with a touch of fashion.

Check Out How I Styled with These Shorts in the Video Below:
I paired these shorts from H&M with a basic black crop top, and finished the look with some black single sole heels, and a cute necklace that I purchased in a artsy shop in the city of Boulder. With my hair quickly styled into a top bun, I was good to go!

I loved the fact that these shorts had pockets on them. I was able to put anything I needed in them while I enjoyed the nice whether, and interacted with some lovely people in Denver.
These kinds of shorts are a must have in your wardrobe. They fit very nicely on many different body types.
If you’re looking for something very simple but chic on a hot day, I recommend an outfit like this for a fun summer day.