Happy New Year, you amazing human! It makes me so happy to have you here because I can see your effort to be on a mindful journey to better yourself and your life. Good for you! Now, let’s not waste any time at all and let me start you off with 8 ways to start off the new year with a positive mindset.
Create a Vision Board
By now, you’ve most likely come across multiple videos and social media posts about the power of manifesting. Usually, this is done through vision boards. This isn’t magic and it’s not a debate of whether it works or not. The truth is, if you don’t work towards what you want in life, it won’t happen. This is the main reason why vision boards help with achieving your yearly and lifetime goals. If you spend the time to either write down or create a full plan of how you want things to happen in your life, you will then feel the urge to work towards those goals. Creating a vision board keeps you focussed on the main goal. With a vision board, you can visualize how you want your life to be and therefore create a process on how to accomplish those goals.
Let me give you an example. In 2022, I created a vision board for the first time. Personal, but I decided to schedule for a very important medical operation that I have been pushing back for many years. I added a picture of something that represented that to my vision board. I also added a copy of a PMP certificate I researched online as a way to promise myself that I will get certified in 2022. I also placed some travel locations on the board as a way to finally start travelling and also to take steps to better my mental health. I later got a therapist for the first time to help me conquer my fears and anxiety. There are a few others but you get the idea. Basically, I was able to achieve all those goals and I have never felt so proud of myself. This as a result made me feel so confident and unstoppable.
Your vision board will help you focus on the processes you need to take to move into the direction you’d like to move in your life. The idea is to work towards the goals and make realistic efforts to change your current situation. So I want to challenge you to write down the things you can see yourself working on within the next few weeks that can help you take steps towards your goals. You can start by finding artsy ideas for vision boards on Pinterest to help you visualize how you want your life to be.

Get a Calendar or a Notebook
A vision board is the visual reminder of what you want for your life within the next few months, but a calendar keeps track of the steps you need to take to make the dream or goal happen. With that said, I recommend you jot down your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to keep a constant reminder to help you stay on track for the rest of the year.
Prepare Yourself for a Change & Practice Discipline
Set this year as the year to have something to look forward to – in this case, it’s most likely something different to be excited about. Train your mind to enter the new year with gratitude and as a new chance to create your dreams. try different things and get out of your comfort zone. This will keep you excited to imagine the possibilities the year has to offer and also as a result can help you stay positive.

Make a Daily Commitment to Improve
Challenge yourself to be a better person each day. Arrive at work on time. Try out the new workout class you’ve been thinking about. Having a plan to work on yourself to increase your positivity is a great way to overcome anxieties and other fears that restrict you from being yourself and accomplishing your goals. This will make it possible to lessen any doubts you may have for the new year and boost your confidence. Try making each day count as another day to better yourself.
Enjoy your Hobbies More
I can’t stress enough of the importance of finding the fun things that make you happy. If you’re a beach person, I encourage you to go there more often to refresh your mind. There are many hobbies out there and giving yourself that quality time can truly help you in many ways. Not only will it give you a sense of peace, but it will also allow you to have the space to plan out your lief while enjoying what it was to offer in the present moment.
Seek Therapy
It’s important to know that talking to the right therapist is such a great way to clearly see your life goals. When you’re going through all the lemons life throws at you, talking to someone can be very helpful. It’s sometimes even better when you get the chance to speak with someone who can be less bias and understand your situations. Therapists are there to listen and help you overcome your dark times in life. They can definitely help us get a sense of relief and readiness to gain the maturity to control our lives again.
If you feel stuck in any way and struggle to find a solution for your issues, I recommend you speak with someone to help deal with any emotions stopping you from reaching your goals this year. Side note, online therapists are usually much more affordable than the in-person ones.

Speak Positively about Your Life & Circumstances
This slightly relates to the idea of manifesting. Speaking positively about things that are happening in your life helps manifest good energy into your life and surroundings. I used to be in a dark place for many years and I was so focused on discussing the things I didn’t want in my life. The weird thing about that was, it was stealing my joy. I constantly focussed on those negative thoughts and always pointed them out. It created a negative vibe around me over time. To some extent, I truly believe that constantly pointing out negative situations I hope to never go through again made me more miserable as a result.
When I decided to speak positively and focus on that, I gradually moved away from the negativity. I was able to focus on what I wanted and not what I didn’t want. Ofcourse, there’s no need to be a toxic positive person, but it’s very important to redirect your conversations if you catch yourself constantly complaining about something. That way, you can focus on finding better solutions to overcome your situations instead to help you stay in the direction you want in life. Your words limit you more than you think.
Let’s not forget the Usual
Eat well, sleep well, and drink a lot of water. These habits will help you start off the day on a good note. You will need to be in good health and have a good state of mind to help yourself through this journey.
That’s it for today’s blog. I hope you find the ways to start off the new year with a Positive MindsetIf helpful. If you’re already flunking at achieving your new year goals, don’t worry.It’s never too late to work on yourself and your life. You’ve got this.
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